Latest News
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by Neural Networks[2023/01/16]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by Journal of Image and Graphics[2022/12/29]
- Congratulate Huang Zhongyu on winning the first prize of excellent report of medical image theme forum[2022/11/08]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by IEEE TNNLS[2022/10/23]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by JAS[2022/09/27]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by IEEE TCDS[2022/09/23]
- Congratulations to Qiu Shuang, Wang Shengpei, Du Changde and Wei Wei of the Laboratory on winning many the National Natural Science Foundation of China Programs in 2022[2022/09/08]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by Journal of Neural Engineering[2022/07/15]
- NeuBCI lab papers accepted by ACM MM 2022[2022/06/30]
- NeuBCI lab paper accepted by Human Brain Mapping[2022/06/23]