- Topic: Controllability of Structural Bran Networks
- Speaker: Wang Shengpei
- Date: 10:00 A.M., Friday, Oct 18, 2019
- Place: The Fifth Meeting Room in Intelligent Building
- Abstract: Controllability of Structural Bran Networks
- Topic: 视觉系统功能成像
- Speaker: Cong Huaiwei
- Date: 10:00 A.M., Friday, Oct 11, 2019
- Place: The Fifth Meeting Room in Intelligent Building
- Abstract: 视觉系统功能成像
- Topic: A review of classification Algorithems for EEG-based brain-computer interfaces
- Speaker: Ma Xuelin
- Date: 10:00 A.M., Sunday, Sep 29, 2019
- Place: The Fifth Meeting Room in Intelligent Building
- Abstract: A review of classification Algorithems for EEG-based brain-computer interfaces
- Topic: Unifying Visual-Semantic Embeddings with Multimodal Neural Language Models
- Speaker: Mao Jiayu
- Date: 10:00 A.M., Friday, Sep 20, 2019
- Place: The Fifth Meeting Room in Intelligent Building
- Abstract: Unifying Visual-Semantic Embeddings with Multimodal Neural Language Models
- Topic: 视网膜脉冲信号编解码研究归纳总结Encoding and Decoding Based on Spike Train of Retinal Ganglion Cells:a summary
- Speaker: Zhou Qiongyi
- Date: 10:00 A.M., Thursday, Sep 12, 2019
- Place: The Fifth Meeting Room in Intelligent Building
- Abstract: 视网膜脉冲信号编解码研究归纳总结Encoding and Decoding Based on Spike Train of Retinal Ganglion Cells:a summary
- Topic: 组会报告:fMRI图像重建实验
- Speaker: Chai Guangjie
- Date: 10:00 A.M., Friday, Sep 6, 2019
- Place: TheFifth Meeting Room in Intelligent Building
- Abstract: 组会报告:fMRI图像重建实验